Investing in
This applies across the globe: education is the key to an independent, self-determined life. While attending school, training or a degree course is fundamentally possible in our part of the world, this is not necessarily the case in others. That begins with the youngest children: the nearest infant or primary school is often far away or the children have to help with work in the field instead of attending school. Opportunities for secondary school or even practical training opportunities that enable people to take up qualified, paid employment, are even more scarce. An awareness for issues such as hygiene, health or birth control also fall short of the mark in many cases.

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This applies across the globe: education is the key to an independent, self-determined life. While attending school, training or a degree course is fundamentally possible in our part of the world, this is not necessarily the case in others. That begins with the youngest children: the nearest infant or primary school is often far away or the children have to help with work in the field instead of attending school. Opportunities for secondary school or even practical training opportunities that enable people to take up qualified, paid employment, are even more scarce. An awareness for issues such as hygiene, health or birth control also fall short of the mark in many cases.

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The DER Touristik Foundation addresses all of these issues. With the help of experienced partners on site, we build schools and equip them, support training projects or promote public awareness on how to improve people’s lives. A focus of our training work is on the catering industry – of course, partly because DER Touristik itself is a company in this sector and we know a whole lot about it. But also, because tourism harbours great development potential in many of these countries, and can therefore enable a lot of people to earn a decent living. After all, the DER Touristik Foundation’s work invariably aims to achieve one thing: teaching people to help themselves over the long-term.